Luxatemp Ultra
For years now, the name Luxatemp has been associated with precision-fit temporary crowns and bridges. Luxatemp Ultra has once again raised the bar - perfecting the perfect temporary material! Incorporating proprietary nano technology, Luxatemp Ultra continues the Luxatemp tradition of leading the dental industry's provisional category..

Luxatemp Fluorescence
With its superior aesthetics and unique handling, Luxatemp Fluorescence, fits perfectly into the Luxatemp family, so that clinicians can confidently choose the best temporary material to fit their clinical needs.

Luxatemp Plus
Luxatemp Automix Plus is used to create provisional restorations for placement in the patient's mouth during indirect and prosthodontic treatments. Luxatemp Automix Plus provides extremely accurate provisionals with excellent marginal adaptation and negligible linear shrinkage during polymerization, eliminating the need to re-marginate. It produces durable and long-lasting temporaries that are abrasion resistant and easily removable.

The perfect finishing touch for any provisional! LuxaGlaze provides a quick, easy and esthetically superior alternative to mechanical polishing.

LuxaFlow is ideal for blocking out undercuts, for fillings, for cavity classes III, IV and V and as a solution for enamel defects. Use LuxaFlow to fill, build-up or repair almost any bisacryl provisional.

LuxaFlow Ultra
LuxaFlow Ultra is the ideal add-on resin for use with Luxatemp. Specifically designed for excellent compatibility with Luxatemp Ultra and other bisacryl provisional materials, LuxaFlow Ultra provides a completely natural looking result in all lighting conditions.