StatusBlue, the VPS impression material for all situation impressions combines the advantages of VPS with the characteristics of alginates. It has the positive properties of an alginate, such as short intraoral setting time, hydrophilicity, and easy removal and the outstanding properties of a VPS, including crisp detail, elastic recovery and dimensional stability. The smooth surface of StatusBlue is ideal for the fabrication of temporaries. It enables precise models to be formed, minimizing the amount of polishing needed for the temporary.

Temp Tabs
Temp Tabs are a flexible thermoplastic tab for fabricating temporary crowns and bridges or quick bite registrations. Thermoplastic is biocompatible, low cost, low tech, and biodegradable material with a unique blend of flexibility and rigidity. It won’t adhere to undercuts, and can be molded or adjusted for accuracy and patient comfort. It’s easy to re-heat and re-place; no need to discard it for new material!