Ecosite Elements.
The Modern Art of Composite.

Ecosite Elements

Ecosite Elements has everything you need for impressive results. Its secret? A compact shade system makes it simple to reliably match your restoration to any shade. Ecosite Elements enables naturally esthetic results with any working technique, for impressive anterior and posterior results!

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Ecosite Elements: Your modern universal composite for the anterior and posterior region

Ecosite Elements has everything you need for impressive results. Its secret? A compact shade system makes it simple to reliably match your restoration to any shade. Ecosite Elements enables naturally esthetic results with any working technique, for impressive anterior and posterior results!

A maximum variety of combinations and high polishability – the shades, divided up into three simple components to quickly and easily recreate 1) dentin, 2) enamel, and 3) characteristics. Depending on the requirements, you can quickly find exactly what you need, and, thanks to the thin layer of our Highlight shades, you can easily replicate the individual character of each tooth for natural, convincing restorations.

Maximum variety of combinations.

The combination options of the simplified shade system and the material's high-quality characteristics enable treatment across the entire range of indications. For anterior or posterior regions, monochromatic or layer technique - Ecosite Elements will always impress with its rapid and spectacular high-gloss polish and stunning chameleon effect.




Thanks to the innovative NC1 technology (non-clustering), this nano-hybrid composite meets all the requirements of day-to-day work. Its mechanical values are fully state of the art and are perfectly suited for the anterior and posterior regions. With the precise silanization of individual ultrafine filler elements, the NC1 technology enables a particularly homogeneous distribution, resulting in optimum working characteristics, a maximum polish and sparkling results.

Ecosite Elements makes everyday work easier thanks to the NC1 (‘non-clustering’) technology developed by DMG, because the precise silanisation of individual fillers enables a particularly homogeneous distribution. Whether it’s in the anterior or the posterior region – the material can be optimally worked and polished at maximum speed.

Ecosite Elements Casebook

In these case reports, six practical cases of treatments with Ecosite Elements are explained in detail.

Case reports Ecosite Elements, PDF (5 MB)

Ecosite Elements

Maximum combination of shades using a compact, modular shade system

Quick and easy shade matching selection with VITA shades and logical complements

Universal use; full range of anterior and posterior indications

Ecosite Elements in detail

Ecosite Elements combines high color flexibility with state-of-the-art technology. The practical module composition and the quick classification system guarantee a high degree of user-friendliness in everyday practice.

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade A1

Item # 222851

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade BL1

Item # 222850

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade B1

Item # 222820

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade A2

Item # 222821

Refill Pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade A3

Item # 222822

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade A3.5

Item # 222823

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade Enamel Bleach

Item # 220825

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade Enamel Light

Item # 222826

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade Enamel Medium

Item # 222827

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 16 Safetips @ 0.25 g, shade Enamel Dark

Item # 222828

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 1 Syringe @ 4 g, shade A1

Item # 222841

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 1 Syringe @ 4 g, shade BL1

Item # 222840

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade B1

Item # 222807

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade A2

Item # 222808

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade A3

Item # 222809

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Pure, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade A3.5

Item # 222810

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade Enamel Bleach

Item # 222812

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade Enamel Light

Item # 220813

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade Enamel Medium

Item # 222814

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Layer, 1 syringe @ 4 g, shade Enamel Dark

Item # 222815

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Highlight, 1 syringe @ 2 g, shade Incisal

Item # 222816

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Highlight, 1 syringe @ 2 g, shade Opaque A2

Item # 222817

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Highlight, 1 syringe @ 2 g, shade White

Item # 222818

Refill pack: Ecosite Elements Highlight, 1 syringe @ 2 g, shade Brown

Item # 222819

Accessories: Ecosite Elements, 1 Safetip Dispenser Pro

Item # 222829

Accessories: Ecosite Elements, 1 Ecosite Elements Shade Guide Pure

Item # 222832

Accessories: Ecosite Elements, 1 Ecosite Elements Shade Guide Layer

Item # 222833

Accessories: Ecosite Elements, 1 Ecosite Elements drawer insert

Item # 222834